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Privacy Policy

I. Identity and Address of the Person Responsible for Collecting your Data

UMA WELLNESS, S.A. de C.V. ("UMA"), with address in Montes Himalaya number 105, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, C.P. 11000, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City, Mexico, in accordance with the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares (the "Law") is responsible for the processing of your personal data that we collect through one or more digital platforms, mobile applications for smartphones and any other existing or to be existing means, (the "Digital Platforms") and/or the website (the "Website" and together with the Digital Platforms, the "Platform") to certain individuals and companies that make use of the Platform for the purpose of receiving certain services (the "Services") by UMA (the "Holders").

The Data Subjects can send an email to the ARCO (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition) responsible, who will be in charge of the care and handling of their data to the following email address

II. Purposes of the Treatment

UMA uses your personal data collected through the Platform, mainly to perform the following activities, which are necessary in connection with the Services to the Owners: 


  1. To provide you with the Services and other services in accordance with its corporate purpose.

  2. Enter into real estate lease agreements and other legal acts necessary to formalize such real estate lease agreements (the "Lease Agreements").

  3. To comply with the obligations deriving from the Services mentioned in Section II.1. above.

  4. Comply with the obligations arising from the execution of the Lease Agreements mentioned in Section II.2. above.

  5. To comply with the legal requirements of the competent authorities.

  6. Integrate and update files.

  7. Evaluate the quality of the Services.

  8. Send you relevant information related to the Services.

  9. Send you relevant information related to the Lease Agreements.

  10. Evaluate your user and/or landlord profile, as applicable.

  11. Know your profile to provide you with relevant information, alerts and notifications.

  12. Know and answer your questions about the services provided by UMA.

  13. To know and answer your questions regarding the Lease Agreements.

  14. To make the necessary administrative arrangements to provide you with the corresponding Services.

  15. Create a directory of users and/or landlords, as applicable.


UMA reserves the right to modify the above-mentioned purposes.


The processing of personal data will be that which is necessary, appropriate and relevant in relation to the purposes set forth in this privacy notice, as well as with the different purposes that are compatible or complementary related to the Services and the execution of the Lease Agreements, as applicable.


III. Personal Data that Will Be Collected and Processed​


1. Registration - At the time the Registrant registers on the Platform in order to receive the Services will provide the following data to create an account in UMA:

  • Full name

  • Address

  • Date of birth

  • Nationality

  • Country of residence

  • Landline phone

  • Cell phone

  • E-mail address

  • Payment details and bank information


​The aforementioned data and that the Holder provides through the Platform in order to receive the Services, will be stored by UMA.


Personal data can and will be shared with a third party or third parties outside UMA who may be responsible for the provision of services offered through the Platform for the sole purpose of fulfilling the request of the Holder.


UMA will use the information that the owners share through the Platform, to perform and fulfill the purposes of treatment mentioned in Section II. above of this privacy notice.


2. Customer Services - The Holder, as part of the Services may provide UMA information related to the use of the Platform and the Services provided through it.


​3. Payment Information - UMA uses third party providers in order to process payments made through the Platform. UMA has access to such payment data, and may store them in order to fulfill its obligations to the Holder. The Holder, by accepting this privacy notice should make sure to review and accept the privacy policies and the treatment given by payment providers to their data.


This privacy notice applies to information that Tamsan collects on and through the Platform, online services, social networks and when we obtain information from other sources that are permitted by applicable law.


​The Platform contains links to third party sites that are not owned or controlled by UMA.


IV. Data Transfer


We inform you that your personal data of the Data Subject are shared inside and outside the country with the following persons, companies, organizations and authorities other than us:

  1. ​Third party service providers for the fulfillment of legal obligations acquired by UMA or any of its affiliates and subsidiaries.

  2. Third party providers of research services, data analysis, sending information focused on the needs of the holder of personal data, as well as in the performance of services necessary or required by the holder of personal data.

  3. Applicable authorities.


The Holder acknowledges and agrees that in case you have contact with other individuals and companies that make use of the Platform and personal data are transferred without the consent of UMA, the latter will not be responsible for the data that have been transferred without your consent either by telephone or email.


UMA, will only be responsible for the data transferred through its Platform, in the event that the owners transfer data through other platforms or forms of communication this privacy notice will not be applicable. Also, the data of the Holder may be transferred by UMA without the consent of the Holder under the terms of Article 37 of the Law and other applicable legislation.


V. Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition


The Data Subject has the right to know what personal information UMA has about him/her, what it is used for and the conditions of use of the same ( "Access"). It is also your right to request correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete ("Rectification"); request the removal of your personal information from the register or database of UMA when the Holder considers that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations under the rules ( "Cancellation"); and oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes ("Opposition"). These rights are known as ARCO rights.


These rights are known as ARCO rights. In order to exercise the ARCO rights, the Data Subject must submit the respective request via email to Such request must contain: (i) full name and address of the Data Subject to communicate the response; (ii) copy of the document proving the identity or, where appropriate, legal representation; (iii) description of the personal data for which it seeks to exercise any ARCO right; (iv) any other element that facilitates the location of the personal data; (v) the ARCO right to be exercised; and (vi) a brief account of the reasons for which it intends to exercise the ARCO right.


UMA will communicate within 10 (ten days) working days following the submission of your request, the response to it. The cancellation of your data will be subject to the provisions of Article 26 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the "Law").


VI. Revocation of Consent


The Holder may revoke consent for the processing of personal data, for which purpose, the Holder must send the respective request via email to, accompanied by the information and documentation mentioned in Section V. above of this privacy notice. However, it is important to note that for certain purposes, the revocation of consent may mean that UMA is not able to continue providing the service or services requested, or the conclusion of its relationship with UMA. Also, you should consider that not in all cases we can meet your request or stop the use immediately, since it is possible that some legal obligation may require us to continue processing your personal data for an additional period.


VII. Limitation on Use and Disclosure of Personal Data


The Holder may limit the use and disclosure of your personal data, including without limitation, your refusal to receive communications and promotions by UMA through: Registration in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is in charge of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO), in order that your personal data will not be used to receive advertising or promotions of goods or services companies. For more information about this registry, you may consult the PROFECO`s website, or contact it directly; or by means of a written request in accordance with the procedure established below.


VIII. Security Padlocks

In order to provide greater protection and confidentiality to the personal data of the Holder, UMA implements all possible security measures such as the use of security locks and various software.


IX. The Use of Cookies, Web Beacons, or Any Other Similar or Analogous Technology


1. Sites for collecting information

UMA uses various Platforms and sites to collect information using ("Cookies"), which are text files that are placed on your computer, to help the site analyze how the Registrants use them.


2. Information Collected through Cookies and Similar Technologies

UMA and its service providers use ("Cookies"), ("Web Beacons") and other technologies to receive and store certain types of information whenever Registrants interact with the Platform through their device. A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your device when you visit a website. When you revisit the Platform or service provider sites, the cookie allows the service provider sites to recognize your browser. Cookies may store unique identifiers, Holder preferences and other information. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features or services on the Platform or service provider sites may not function properly without cookies. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service, including to store Cardholder preferences, and to track Cardholder trends.


Web beacons are images inserted in a web page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the IP address of the Holder, duration of interaction time on that page and the type of browser used, among others.


We inform you that we use cookies and web beacons to obtain personal information from the Holder, such as the following:

  • Type of browser and operating system of the Holder.

  • The web pages you visit.

  • The following links.

  • The IP address.

  • The site that the Registrant visited before entering the Platform.


These cookies and other technologies can be disabled. There are several sites on the Platform that may link to other websites that do not operate under the Platform`s privacy policies. When the Registrant connects to other websites, the Platform`s privacy practices, as well as this privacy notice, are no longer valid. We invite Registrants to review the privacy policies as well as the applicable privacy notice of each site before disclosing any personally identifiable information. All data collected must be updated for the purposes for which they were collected and if the data is no longer necessary for the purposes intended by UMA must be canceled.


X. Modifications to the Privacy Notice


This privacy notice may be modified, changed or updated as a result of new legal requirements; our own needs for the products or services we offer; our privacy practices; changes to our business model, or for other reasons.


These modifications will be available to the public through the following means:

  • Advertisements visible on the site (privacy notice section);

  • It may appear as a notification within the Platform.


XI. Consent


1. Landlord`s Consent

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law, we require your express consent for the processing of your sensitive personal data. Therefore, the lessors understand and accept, for all legal purposes and in an express, unconditional and irrevocable manner, the scope and content of this privacy notice consenting, in that sense, the treatment of their sensitive personal data.


2. Consent of the Registrants

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law, we require your consent for the processing of your data. Therefore, the Holders understand and accept, for all purposes that may apply and expressly, unconditionally and irrevocably, the scope and content of this privacy notice consenting, in that sense, the processing of their personal data when using the Platform.


Any questions or comments regarding this privacy notice, as well as the exercise of any other rights to which you are entitled by law, should be directed to the person in charge of privacy notices at


Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that you consider that the processing of your personal data constitutes a violation of the provisions of the Law, you may appeal to the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).


XII. Language


UMA and the User agree that this Privacy Notice is agreed upon in English and Spanish and that in the event of any discrepancy between the two languages, the English version shall prevail.

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